The following comment posted here on our website, however, seemed to get that exactly backwards -- "First the bad news . . ." and there was indeed some good news, but first we need to tie down some loose ends.
Christine Ballard, P.E., the City's consulting engineer, posted this comment earlier today.
cballard said...For those who were in attendance at the meeting on the evening of February 25th in the Justice Building on South Union Street, you will no doubt recall the Mayor specifically committing to everyone there that he would request St. Johns Church post the cemetery roadway "One-Way," from South Franklin Street to Boozer Street, not "No Outlet."
The City of Lambertville Reports: St. Johns will be installing signs identifying "No Outlet" to prevent thru traffic on the cemetary roadway. Also, the Woodcrest HomeOwner's Association will be meeting to discuss installation of a chain to prevent traffic from entering & exiting on the emergency access road to Highland Ave. It is likely a chain will be installed. At the next Council meeting the City will be authorizing a grant application to the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission which will include costs for a traffic calming study at South Franklin Street, Boozer and Highland. If approved, the grant will include construction costs for traffic control devices determined when the study is complete.
You may also recall the general agreement, including comments by the Police Director discussing the posting of the "One-Way" signs for enforcement purposes.
You may also recall Paul Gorecki asking the Mayor the very pertinent question, "Why the change of heart?" given the City's previous opposition to a "One-Way" designation at the January Regular Council meeting.
After the meeting on the 25th, and because of our desire to follow up on the matters discussed, I personally stopped by St. Johns Church and spoke to Rev. Kolakowski that Friday, February 27th. He confirmed to me that in an earlier conversation that day with Paul Cronce, he had committed to making the roadway "One-Way."
That discussion was reported here twice, first by Paul Gorecki, and then again by me.
It was also posted in the comments appended to an article dated February 25th on the subject, in the Lambertville Beacon (subscribers only for older articles).
LAMBERTVILLE: South Franklin residents seek solution for speedingIn fact, at the instruction of the Mayor during our meeting on the 25th, Paul Cronce had gone there earlier on Friday and the Church had committed to making the roadway "One-Way."
LAMBERTVILLE -- Concerned about speeders, South Franklin Street residents planned to meet Wednesday (Feb. 25) with city officials and an engineer at the Justice Center to brainstorm a deterrent.

Such a posting would unfortunately serve no useful purpose. It would be largely (if not completely) unenforceable, and would therefore be utterly ignored. As proof, one need only consider the history of non-compliance with the "Emergency Vehicle Access Only" sign up at Woodcrest.
Earlier this evening, following a written exchange with Christine Ballard, and then on the phone with the Mayor, a commitment was made to me by them to follow up on this particular matter. As I recall, the Mayor referenced it as "a Mulligan."
As for the remainder of Christine's comment, it certainly sounds like good news, but as Paul Gorecki astutely observed in a prior post here,
"Even though an initial plan of action was conveyed at this week’s meeting by the Mayor, it will be necessary that we, as residents, continue to monitor its progress."Well said.
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